Disruption and Adaption: Claims of Alkali Clans.

Dear Friends, Earlier, we had discussed about the Thugs of Alkali series, but these thugs would empower only when they are perturbed by some other intruder from the same family of atom. It may sound weird, but the fact is true when we look back into our history. Assuming that, nation like India which was rich in its cultural heritage as well as their methodology to impart knowledge was superior (in terms of administration) and advanced (in terms of problem solving skills by the disciple). When intruders stepped into this Bharatha khanda, they started changing in steps and ensured that the ancient Gurukula system had vanished from normal public life which is a shortcoming for value-based education system. The modern education system (adapted from missionaries) have led the system to step down the role of Guru (preacher) to just an ordinary teacher. This is because we have accepted the cultural modification by the invaders. The fact is, entire world has accepted the invaders a...