Glassy Men: Beyond Emotions

Dear Friends,

As I ended up with lot of buzz last week, according to the definition, glass is a non-crystalline material which possesses glass transition temperature, and even according to standards, glass is an inorganic product of fusion that has cooled to a rigid condition without crystallization. This has some thermodynamic connect, well exactly we see people who call themselves transparent are not much transparent but as days pass ahead, we realize that there is something that’s restricting them from being transparent. This made me feel that just being amorphous, it can never be considered as glass, there is some solid theory and evidence which makes it glass as the product has to fuse and cool to a rigid condition much prior to crystallization rate. This is nothing but kinetic theory of glass formation, well as we see people like glass are highly mobile and locomotive nature, it made me buzz behind their dynamism. This theory cleared all my doubts on glass as well as people who are as transparent as glass.


The kinetic theory of glasses deals with two fundamental concepts
1) Rate of Crystal Growth
2) Rate of Nucleation
Where both are interlinked to one another, when a material contains active nucleating site, the probability of crystal growth is more. Keeping this fundamental logic, we must know what happens when we deal with the batch at higher temperatures.

The supercooling regime is much higher than Crystal growth and nucleation.
1)The batch what we melt, must have very high thermodynamic barrier for crystal growth. For which, the kinetic barrier which depends on diffusivity as well as viscosity of the melts acts as the basic parameters for the glass formation. Higher the diffusivity lower the viscosity as they are inversely proportional to each other, this makes us realize that the formation of glass region strictly depends on thermodynamic barrier (kinetic + free energy ), Lesser the free energy better would be the glass formation. This makes me realize that we do find certain barrier with men who are as transparent as glass, it is because, we don’t get that free energy reaction happening in the network. This can be explained further this way.
Imagine time at logarithmic scale says much before the nose line of this curve is glass. 

    2) The TTT (Time Temperature Transformation) diagram   which made us realize the actual story behind glass forming range. It clearly says the rate of cooling to be very fast. The concept of Thermal diffusivity in glass with respect to nose temperature and thickness  makes me realise how well we the childlike innocence (the curiosity in curator) glass like man acting spontaneously once he is thrown to some situation. The beauty what we see in nature lies here, he/she tries to prove their point on what they do much before someone questions. I always wondered what made them to get into this state of mind. The only answer what I get from Bhagavad Gita "karmanyevadhikaraste ma phalesu kadachana”, they don’t care on what is going to happen, but they believe in their karma and they tend to follow the karma every day..

The Transparent glass is transformation of all those arishad vargas. 

This makes me feel being like glass is not easy because we must build a kinetic barrier which is free of Arishad Vargas viz.,  kama, krodha, lobha, moha, madha, matsarya.  This makes man to move out of all silly little emotions and the rationality in him increases in a way such that people with truth just believes in work.

Is this possible? Can we achieve it? To get to that state of mind, we must melt all our emotions and become a karma yogi, That’s why I called Glassy Men: Karma Yogi , last week.. This level of consciousness and this kind of attitude what we see in them and that makes them unique and genuine. The characteristics and mannerisms of glass is at different level, to match its stature one must remember the basics of Upanishads, “Sathyam Vada, Dharmam Chara”.. These things would really build a glassy character. Hope, Truth makes Men Karma Yogi and Truth is as transparent as glass..

#WeCanNeverBeLikeThem: I wish at least selecting these two moral values would take us higher and make us fearless and stronger like Glass.

The quest doesn’t end here on structural understanding of glass, because as per definitions the transparent glass what we see is structurally amorphous and then it possess some glass transition temperature, there are more theories in accord with respective glass system. Story of Life as glass is more complicated than complicated personalities….

Good Night.

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