Power and Resistance are Part of Life

Good evening friends,

Today's blog is completely on the power and resistance. What is power? Who is powerful? How Democracy rules/ makes the nation powerful? Is politics linked with physics ? Does Power play role in Power play overs of life? All these questions ponder me and i have wandered and found it wonderful.

Power in physics is just Potential X Current or VI.. Now, let us come to the texting world, where We is replaced with (V) and I remains as it is.. What can we draw from this is when we Multiply our I(aham)/Selfishness to We (V) to selflessness we seem to gain some power of divinity.
When we have a group work which is "LESS EGO and MORE WE GO", we find ourselves powerful.
The potential of person if its productive with current scenario, then that person becomes powerful..
These things are physical perspective on POWER
On Similar grounds,
Resistance in physics is just Potential/Current or V/I.. This is something like, highlighting a person's work in group task. An individual claims his contribution in large manner.. These things will basically lead to egoistic clashes and finally, people seem to restrict/resist themselves from working ahead on the group task..
If the potential of a person is divided then the person begins to lose confidence and finally he becomes completely resistant and hesitant ..
These things are physical perspective On RESISTANCE..

Any leader who is in power/ any one who is powerful, say politicians are often seem to be powerful as they address to public with a thought of "Less Ego" once they come into power, they begin to speak in a way such that the tasks are divided there by that leads to a thought of "hesitation from people"..
My dear political leader, Be powerful, Adopt the quote "LESS EGO, MORE WE GO">>> Stop blaming on opposition, Start combining them and ensure that you have a productive thought of V and I.. Keep us in mind..
We need a leader than politician as we can find him with a logic of group tasks.

Good night..

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