Dear Friends, To define transparency with respect to life is so tough and to consolidate what we define in life, we need some theories and proofs. That is what today's article all about, an extension and incidence which makes us define what makes being like glass as tougher, clean and transparent. The rules framed by Zachariasen as discussed in article 50, along with it, there are couple of things which add up to understand the transparency Tough to understand 3-D network Glass 1) Dietzel Field Strength: 2) Suns Single bond Strength Criterion: These two theories add flavors to structure of glass, the real men who are complex to understand can never be concluded with a single perception, we need to consider and revise them in all angles. That is where we get Dietzel Field Strength and Suns Single Bond Strength Criteria to essay it on structure. GLASS FAMILY Accordingly, Dietzel quotes it by considering the Coulombs potential/ field, as per earlie...