Probability is an Astrologers Game!!

Dear friends,

I wonder how these astrologers play on our mind. This art has become a practice nowadays. Almanac which could depict the solar and lunar eclipse is a math than myth. Similarly, the art of understanding the effects of sun and moon on earth is science than fiction. Beyond these things, what ever happen is known to us. It's fiction. Prediction is a game of probability. According to sanatana dharma, Joytish sastra means study of light,i.e., astronomy. Now, it has become astrology again, logics are tossed on human mind. I just remember playing a game in my phone Akinator. Awesome, which made me realise the fact on how astrologers play on our mind. In that game, we can think of anyone this world, then there will be series of questions, which we need to answer, Finally once all the logics are related, then it comes out with the person whom you have thought. Well, Astrologers too play the same game on mind. The have set Venn diagram in their minds. They apply the conditional probablities. If and else statements all around works.
Our life  is within this frame/ sample size S, 
where A,B are called Luck and Hard work respectively.
A and B signifies the Success.
Other dimensions of S is things which don't happen.
If A and B doesn't happen, then people deliberately walk-in to seek astrologers advice.

This game which they play on innocents will either begin with Name, Place, or their date of birth and they will some how make use of our answers and then they would suggest us some solutions in favour of our achievements from their logics which again has probability, If the solution works, the faith and belief on that astrologer is grown. If the solution fails, then the astrologers credibility is doomed.

We must know that Aryabhatta was an astronomer and not astrologer.

My dear friends, if we just go around on whatever astrologer say, will it work? I think, it doesn't work that way. Our efforts contribute 99 % and lucks contribution is only 1%. I still don't understand, why people run behind that 1% than concentrating on 99%.
We must also be aware that, our vedic system is not a joke/outdated one. If our ancestors have devised a formula to calculate solar and lunar cycle, then we must acknowledge the work. They have clearly classified these calculations by considering 2 systems, i.e., Macro(Sun system) and Micro(Moon System). Let us be clear by understanding that chandramana and souramana are not completely different as both contribute to the calendar which we study.

This handbook contains is a scientific data on solar and lunar cycles, 
but most of the people interpret only the pseudoscience out of it.

This calendar, has become a tool for astrologers to fix which day is good and which day is bad. If that happens so, then on bad days we do find some children are born, aren't they talented? Haven't they contributed/shown up their skillsets to the world?
I still don't know how people are blind folded by these astrologers..

Bottom Line: Believe in hard work than Luck. Work hard, even if things fail..
Accept failure, then success would be no wonder when it is achieved!

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