Radiation & Communication

Hi Friends, I am sorry, due to network error, I was not able to connect you yesterday, but even Saturday is good for blog. Now, Financial Year end frustrates us in one end and in other end its the early summer. Err I think todays communication will be on radiation. When I hear Radiation, The BOSS of Father of Quantum Mechanics Kirchoff's Comes in my Sight. According to Kirchoff's Law of Radiation"Weak emitters of radiations are also weak absorbers of radiation". This means that the radiation is seen as output and let us connect with communication where we see very great speaker's are flawless. That says how strong they are at communication. Say for example, a dedicated actor who tries to showcase the directors view/opinion on a topic can easily account for the communication, i.e., the communication between director and actor has to be clear and if the message reaches the audience, then The communication is found to be flawless. The director becomes great. Bo...