Dear Friends, I was thinking a lot on corruption (degeneracy) of late, I was also wondering how these film makers bring in some thoughts which can never be taught to fight corruptions. We need super hero to fight for corruption, it is not a joke when it comes to atomic scale, and we are always influenced by the external system. This rekindled me many times when I was looking for a proper system to select and understand why perturbation is required for quantum mechanics. These things will highlight my thoughts on the role of perturbations in quantum mechanical systems. When we look at p-orbitals/d-orbitals/f-orbitals, which are naturally corrupted (i.e., they have degenerate energy levels) in order to split them, we need to apply perturbation for the systems. Perturbation through E/M fields normally which results in Stark/Zeeman effect. Our democratic society which made by the people, for the people is not on the basis of an individual, it is always on the basis of...