REEL@Science: A Domain Theory To Understand Your Supporters

Dear Readers, I am extremely sorry, for the past one and half years, I never had thoughts coming out of my mind because, I used to communicate my each and every article to my mom. After her demise, I could not think of anything. This has really made me feel depressed and disappointed, I have stopped my orientation towards science, I stopped even thinking about science for an year/so. This article is my real experience where my interests in various topics act as atomic magnets where I was highly disordered, I required some external field to orient my atomic magnets. My Guide, was the first person to give me energy, his comments on my 50th article has triggered my scientific temperament, but even though I had to make a comeback, I could not get back because I was shelve-shocked, I questioned myself and answered it several times on these things? The person who expected me to be on this lane is no more, but still I was in quest for several answers.. I have to mention one of my...