Wat Er Life??

Dear Friends, Todays blog is on water and it's 3 faces/ Phases. For me, Phase and face are same because, we human too undergo the same conditions. We do deal with Phases in life. It may be more philosophical this evening, but the truth revolves around understanding simple things in this complicated universe. We know water can exhibit as Solid, Liquid and Gaseous Phase where they vary with respect to pressure and temperature. Similarly, Even we are made up several phases, every second, every day, we change our color. Why? What makes us change? It often wonders me.. To this question, I was supposed to relax for a while and had a glass of water. This gave me a picture on how we treat the water. In case of taking bath, we prefer Steam/ Hot Water. In case of drinking, we prefer water at room temperature/ sometimes, we do prefer to have cold water. In some cases, we prefer to add up ice on cola drinks. Water is so humble and great as it can serve us in required form. If the sa...