Administrative Blocks are like Spherically Symmetric Molecules.

Dear Friends, Why do we conclude that all the government officials/ all the government administrators/people in admin blocks are bad at work/ Lazy? What makes us conclude in that way? I think, it must be symmetry in nature. The job specification of an administrator is most mechanical/ stereotypical job. They are basically not task oriented. They undergo Deja vu very often. This can say that their life is symmetrical in nature. When we go down to the lane of molecules, Molecules which are symmetrical in nature are prone to have zero dipole moment, which can be neither accounted for rotational/vibrational spectroscopy. When these molecules are centrifugally distorted,they account for very weak rotational spectra. Where as when these molecules are shined by an electromagnetic radiation, it undergoes polarization which results in an induced dipole moment, there by accounting for a Rotational Raman Spectra. Here, the trigger is Light. Similarly, We also need people who triggers ...