
Showing posts from September, 2015

Spectral Beauty: A Key To understand Human Qualities.

Good evening, Most of us find it difficult in understanding the EM Spectra, I too found it difficult before, but now I have understood that the electromagnetic spectrum speaks on how an individual behaves, It's completely on psychological aspects.  The Gamma Rays are of High energy deals only with nucleonic interactions which indicate that size is small, thereby its density is large. Size of the nucleus is just few fermis ( 10^-15 m) but the energy is MeV, As we go higher the energy, we get into singularity, whose density is infinity which is bounded with a super wald force ( Gravitational + Electromagnetic + Weak Nuclear + Strong Nuclear) which is a unified force of all the fundamental forces in nature. This is how the universe was prior to big bang. Again, I fall into 2 different perceptions when I think on Super Wald force.  Evolution of Universe from Micro To Macro Scale. 1) Unity is the Key for HIGH ENERGY. 2) Being as an individual is a test for his/h...

Material Life Sketch on Par with Human Beings

Good evening, Today's blog reflects how we are on par with materials,Our test's can be either Destructive/ NDT (Non- Destructive Tests).  The same game is played over human mind. We never realise it as we always presume that we are not on check. The UTM which we use to study the tensile and compressive nature of material can be accounted to the study of  human beings as we are always on par with the materials. The pressure given to us and the pressure taken inwards is always compressive in nature. This is also true, when we take up pressure inwards (without any sought of expression) we normally tend to possess as if we are calm and polite. That is a very good test for patience. If the same pressure is pushed outwards, we begin to exhibit Tension. The tensed nature is very much correlated with the material testing. If this tension-compression test is more then we end up in fatigue state. Materials are always on par with Human nature. To make a material fatigue resistant, we ...

Relationship Obeys Hookes Law

Dear Friends, I always wonder why people tend to distance each other after some time. I have tried to search myself for my mistakes and I end up cribbing on what I have lost. This cribbing virus has multiplied so much of sad feelings on me, I was searching for an antivirus which can remove this "Sad-Feeling". That was by Hooke's Law, which accordingly states that "Restoring force is directly proportional to displacement".. It is clear that force is linear in nature.. What we need to know about the nature/bonding is completely from the potential, where, the form is quadratic in nature, thereby resulting in a parabolic pathway.. Looking at this.... Thought 1: I get into memories of simple pendulum/bar pendulum, where we take a very small amplitude for better results.. This has always questioned me.. To find 'g' value, Why the amplitude is small in the experiment? With both the cases above had given me an insight on a condition.. "Small Amplitu...

Degeneracy: Quest for Multiple Personalities,,

Good Evening, We normally find people are hypocritical in nature/ you seem to see people change all of the sudden, they don't remain the same, I get baffled and suddenly I begin to question what made that person change?? Before I blamed the light being Hypo-critic, Now getting into much deeper quantum aspects of it; Today, I blame Degeneracy is the one responsible for all these Multiple Shades of Human Nature; Degeneracy is defined as an energy level corresponds to two or more Eigenvalues of a quantum System. From the above pic, LEFT: In the Regular Gas, The particles are in non degenerate State/ Highly Idealistic State of Mindset. RIGHT: Degenerate gas, which has 2 particles on the same energy level/ The Practical way of Human Lifestyle. In other words, An   e nergy level  is said to be degenerate if it corresponds to two or more different measurable states of a quantum system. This is something which correlates with a Human natu...